
Genevieve Krieger will attend Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs this fall to begin a master’s degree in public administration in development policy.

Genevieve Krieger ’24 Pursues International Service through Payne Fellowship

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Four Pomona College alumni standing on a bridge over the River Cam in Cambridge, England

Scholarship-Winning Pomona Alumni Find a World of Opportunities in Cambridge

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Leo Alaghband ’24 and Zongqi “Tim” Zhai ’24

Downing Scholarship Funds Leo Alaghband ’24 and Zongqi “Tim” Zhai ’24 to Study at Cambridge

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Category: Student Profiles Clear Category
Kyle Lau holds ball in front of Pomona-Pitzer scoreboard
Hudson Colletti sits at a customized piano inside Pittsburgh airport
Betsy Ding serves dinner in Dialynas Hall
Pomona College students Christian Lopez, left, and Phily Oey
Six students from the Class of '27
Pomona-Pitzer's women's soccer team huddles during a game.
Amanda Eric
Career Development Office Entrance
Elisa Velasco ’23 will design and implement a nine-week summer program called Sin Límites (Without Limits) for Latinx high school freshmen and sophomores in her hometown of Norman, Oklahoma.
Three Questbridge Scholars



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